
Create an exclusive experience to convey Bombay Sapphire brand positioning


Conceptualization and production of an exclusive bespoke experience Paint in The Dark for Bombay Sapphire in line with their branding (Stir Creativity) to boost awareness and consideration among Parisians. Participants had the opportunity to taste 3 cocktails made of Bombay Sapphire Gin (including their newest product) while expressing their creativity during a painting workshop in a neon light setting. The activation lasted 3 months, and included the conceptualization and production of the experience. We also built a 360° media campaign to generate tickets sales and drive-to-event.



Total Impressions (172% over KPI)


Rating (above average rating of 4.2)


of participants see Bombay Sapphire as the ideal brand to make cocktails And 57% see Bombay Sapphire as a creative brand

“This partnership was a success! We got 8K participants for this experience, which is 30 times more than for the activation we launched last year on our side, with the same budget”

Case Studies